Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Movie Review #4: Gravity

***Movies are something that I find great entertainment in. They are art on the screen and come in so many types. This is my reason for doing my blog on movies and my reviews of them!

The fourth movie review I decided to do was on a movie I watched a few weeks ago in theaters. From the trailers no one really knew what this movie was going to be about. They just knew it happened in space, had potential and could be really good. This statement is wrong because it wasn't just really good. It was amazing! This movie was............ "Gravity"!


So "Gravity" (2013) is a space epic involving a group of astronauts which include Ryan Stone played by Sandra Bullock and Matt Kowalski played by George Clooney. They are up in space working on the Hubble Telescope but a major accident occurs and the two must work together to survive.

Overall, this movie was brilliant! The main thing that got me was the intensity! Sandra Bullock who is the main character in this movie literally goes through the impossible! You don't know if she's going to make it or not and throughout the movie you continue to cheer for her! George Clooney was also fantastic and the two really worked well together on screen! The visual and sound affects were out of this world...literally! You really felt like you were up in space trying to survive with this woman! It truly is a visual masterpiece! It was also very unique! Having absolutely no sound (which is the case in space) and going through unbelievable life-or-death situations in space that no one would even think about is so creative and is what makes this movie special! My only problem was that some parts were slow but that wasn't enough to forget the intense story and amazing visual appearance "Gravity" created!

Rating: 8/10 Stars

"Gravity" was an amazing movie that was so intense and unique! The story keeps you curious, the actors make you engaged, and the affects and feeling of being in space make you very entertained! This movie really pushed the boundaries of not only space films but movies in general! Definitely look for it winning many awards next year and make sure to definitely watch and experience "Gravity"!


  1. I had a grandmother-mother-daughter date one morning, and we had plans to go to get a bite to eat and go see that movie. Turns out applebees took a little longer than we expected and I still haven't seen the movie hah.

  2. Haha that's alright Brandi! But whenever you can try to see this movie! It's really cool!
